1 赞! 收藏夹 暂无评论 对 的评论 发送 是KizzyKat以「Casual Lolita」为主题投稿的照片(2018/10/19) A weird angle xD I hink the fish lens was on.Shirley Temple skirt, I hink. Or is it Emikyu, I firget.Socks are AP. Tshirt is from Candy Violet yonks & yonks back when it was casual lolita based designs. Casual Lolita Emikyu Shirley Temple Angelic pretty BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Sweet lolita Lolita Sweet PuppyBunny 违规举报 KizzyKat 关注人 20 粉丝 5 关注 请选择要收集的照片 下一个 请选择一个收藏夹添加照片